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Discover What Plants Attract Hummingbirds: Your Ultimate Guide

What Plants Attract Hummingbirds? If you’re looking to add a touch of magic to your garden, attracting hummingbirds is a wonderful way to do so. These mesmerizing creatures not only bring a burst of color to your outdoor space but also provide numerous benefits to your garden. But, how exactly can you attract hummingbirds to your yard? The answer lies in the plants you choose to grow in your garden.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best plants for attracting hummingbirds and how to create a hummingbird haven in your own yard. But before we jump into the world of plants, let’s first discover some fascinating facts about these tiny marvels and the benefits of having them visit your garden.

Key Takeaways:

  • Attracting hummingbirds to your garden requires specific plants that are appealing to them.
  • Hummingbirds not only bring beauty to your garden but also provide numerous benefits to your outdoor space.
  • Choosing the right plants and designing your garden with hummingbirds in mind is essential for their attraction.
  • Perennial and annual flowers are great options for attracting hummingbirds to your garden.
  • Additional tips such as providing water features and supplemental feeders can further enhance your hummingbird attraction efforts.

Understanding Hummingbirds: Nature’s Tiny Marvels

If you’re looking to attract hummingbirds to your garden, it’s vital to understand the nature of these tiny marvels. Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures that are attracted to certain plants, flowers, and environments. By creating a garden that is tailored to their needs, you can create a haven that will bring these delightful birds right to your doorstep.

Hummingbirds are attracted to gardens that are rich in nectar-producing plants and flowers. They rely on these sources of nectar to fuel their high metabolism and rapid wing movement. To create a garden that will attract hummingbirds, it’s important to provide a variety of nectar sources and to plant flowers that provide a high yield of nectar.

In addition to nectar, hummingbirds also require clean water sources for drinking and bathing. Providing a shallow bird bath or fountain in your garden can be a great way to attract these birds, as well as other types of wildlife.

When designing your garden to attract hummingbirds, it’s important to consider the types of plants and flowers that are most attractive to these birds. Vibrant colors, long tubular flowers, and a high concentration of nectar are all characteristics of plants that will appeal to hummingbirds.

By understanding the needs and preferences of hummingbirds, you can create a garden that is specifically tailored to attract them. With the right plants, water sources, and design, you can transform your outdoor space into a hummingbird oasis.

The Benefits of Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden

Having a garden filled with hummingbirds is not only visually stunning, but it also offers numerous benefits for your outdoor space. These tiny birds play an essential role in pollination and can help to increase the yield of your fruit and vegetable plants. In addition, hummingbirds are natural predators of insects, such as aphids and spider mites, making them an effective pest control option.

Attracting hummingbirds to your garden can also contribute to the overall health of the local ecosystem. By providing a constant source of nectar, you can help to sustain hummingbirds and other pollinators, ensuring that they continue to thrive in your area.

Incorporating hummingbird garden plants and flowers that attract hummingbirds into your outdoor space can also provide educational opportunities for children and adults alike. Observing these delightful creatures in their natural habitat can foster a love and appreciation for nature and its many wonders.

Choosing the Right Plants for Hummingbirds

Not all plants are created equal when it comes to attracting hummingbirds. If you want to create a hummingbird haven in your garden, it’s essential to choose the right kinds of plants.

So, what are the plants that attract hummingbirds?

The plants that attract hummingbirds are typically those that produce bright, showy flowers with a tubular shape. Hummingbirds are attracted to these types of flowers because they are a great source of nectar, which provides the birds with the energy they need to fly and sustain themselves.

In addition to the shape and color of the flowers, it’s essential to choose plants that produce a lot of nectar. Plants like Salvia, Bee Balm, and Cardinal Flower are known for their high nectar production and are a great choice for attracting hummingbirds.

Choosing the Right Plants for Hummingbirds: Which Types of Plants Work Best?

Plant TypeExamples
PerennialsSalvia, Bee Balm, Cardinal Flower, Coral Bells, Yarrow
AnnualsPetunias, Zinnias, Fuchsia, Impatiens, Nasturtium
ShrubsWeigela, Butterfly Bush, Bottlebrush, Azalea, Hibiscus

What about foliage?

In addition to flowers, hummingbirds are also attracted to plants with soft, delicate foliage. This type of foliage provides shelter and nesting opportunities for these tiny birds. Plants like Hosta, Coral Bells, and Ferns are great choices for providing shelter and nesting opportunities for hummingbirds.

When selecting plants for your hummingbird garden, it’s important to consider the overall diversity of the plants. Choose a mix of plants with different bloom times, colors, and shapes to provide a continuous source of nectar throughout the season.

So, how many plants do you need to attract hummingbirds?

While there is no set number of plants you need to attract hummingbirds to your garden, it’s generally recommended to have at least five to ten flowering plants in your hummingbird garden. This will provide a diverse range of food sources for the birds and increase the chances of attracting them to your yard.

Now that you know the types of plants that attract hummingbirds, it’s time to start planning your garden! Keep in mind that creating the perfect hummingbird habitat takes time, so be patient and enjoy the process of watching these amazing creatures visit your yard.

Creating a Hummingbird-Friendly Garden Design

Designing your garden with hummingbirds in mind is crucial for attracting these delightful creatures. By strategically placing hummingbird-friendly plants, feeders, and other elements, you can create a welcoming environment that will entice hummingbirds to visit your garden.

Choosing the Right Location

The first step in creating a hummingbird-friendly garden is choosing the right location. Hummingbirds prefer gardens that offer plenty of sun and shelter from the wind. Try to find an area in your yard that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. You should also consider planting near trees, shrubs, or other structures that can provide shelter and a place for hummingbirds to perch.

Hummingbird-Friendly Plants

The key to attracting hummingbirds is selecting the right plants. Hummingbirds are attracted to brightly colored flowers with tubular shapes, such as trumpet vine, salvia, and coral bells. You can also plant hummingbird-friendly herbs like bee balm, mint, and sage. When selecting plants, make sure they flower at different times throughout the season to ensure a continuous nectar source.

Additionally, avoid using pesticides, as these can harm the hummingbirds and other beneficial insects that visit your garden.

Hummingbird Feeders

Hummingbird feeders can also help attract these beautiful birds to your garden. Choose a feeder with bright red accents, as this color is particularly appealing to hummingbirds. Place the feeder near your hummingbird-friendly plants, but make sure it’s easily visible from a distance so the birds can easily spot it.

Other Elements to Consider

In addition to plants and feeders, there are other elements you can incorporate into your garden to attract hummingbirds. Birdbaths and fountains can provide a source of water for drinking and bathing, while birdhouses and nesting boxes can offer a place for hummingbirds to rest and nest.

In Conclusion

By creating a hummingbird-friendly garden design, you can transform your yard into a haven for these delightful creatures. Selecting the right plants, placing hummingbird feeders, and incorporating other elements can help entice them to visit and make your garden their home.

The Best Perennial Plants for Attracting Hummingbirds

Perennial plants are a great addition to any hummingbird garden, as they provide long-lasting blooms and continuous nectar sources. Here are some of the best plants for attracting hummingbirds:

SalviaProduces bright, tube-shaped flowers in a variety of colors. Thrives in full sun with well-drained soil.
ColumbineProduces unique, bell-shaped flowers with long spurs in shades of red, pink, and yellow. Prefers partial shade and well-drained soil.
Trumpet VineProduces large, trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of orange and red. Prefers full sun and well-drained soil.
Bee BalmProduces bright, spiky flowers in shades of pink, red, and purple. Thrives in full sun to partial shade and moist soil.
MonardaProduces fragrant flowers in shades of pink, red, and purple. Attracts both hummingbirds and bees. Thrives in full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil.

These plants are not only irresistible to hummingbirds but also add a splash of color and beauty to your garden. Planting a combination of these perennials will ensure a continuous nectar supply to attract hummingbirds throughout the growing season.

Annual Flowers to Attract Hummingbirds

If you’re looking to add some seasonal flair to your hummingbird garden, annual flowers are a great option. These plants provide bursts of vibrant color and are irresistible to these beautiful birds. Here are some of the best annual flowers for attracting hummingbirds:

PlantHeightBloom TimeColor
Petunia6-18 inchesSummer to frostPurple, pink, red, white
Zinnia6-36 inchesSummer to frostRed, pink, orange, yellow
Salvia18-36 inchesSummer to fallRed, purple, blue, pink
Nasturtium6-18 inchesSummer to frostOrange, yellow, red

These annual flowers are not only beautiful but also easy to grow and care for. Plant them in pots or in your garden bed to add a splash of color and attract hummingbirds for the entire season!

Additional Tips for Attracting Hummingbirds

Creating a hummingbird haven in your garden is not simply a matter of planting the right flowers. To fully attract these delightful creatures, there are a few additional tips you can employ.

Provide a Water Feature

Hummingbirds love to take baths and play in the water, so adding a water feature to your garden is an excellent way to attract them. Consider a small fountain, bird bath, or even a shallow dish filled with water. Be sure to change the water daily to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

Hang Feeders

While nectar-producing flowers are the primary source of food for hummingbirds, they also enjoy supplemental feeding from feeders. Hang feeders filled with sugar water in visible locations around your garden. You can even attach a red ribbon or decoration to the feeder to increase its visibility to hummingbirds.

Choose the Right Location

Hummingbirds prefer gardens with plenty of sunshine and some shelter from wind. Place your hummingbird-friendly plants and feeders in a location that receives plenty of sunlight and is protected from strong winds.

Avoid Pesticides

Hummingbirds are sensitive to pesticides, so avoid using them in your garden. Instead, rely on natural pest control methods such as companion planting, neem oil, and manual removal.

By following these additional tips, you can increase the likelihood of attracting hummingbirds to your garden and enjoy the delightful presence of these enchanting creatures.


In conclusion, attracting hummingbirds to your garden can be a rewarding experience for any nature lover. By understanding the nature of these tiny marvels and selecting the right plants, you can create a hummingbird haven in your own yard.

Remember to Enjoy the Process

Don’t forget to enjoy the process of creating your hummingbird garden. It can be a fun and fulfilling project that brings beauty and wonder to your outdoor space.

Share Your Success

If you’ve managed to attract hummingbirds to your garden, consider sharing your success with others. Whether it’s through social media or a simple conversation with a friend, inspiring others to create their own hummingbird haven can help spread the joy of these enchanting creatures.

Continue Learning

Finally, remember that there’s always more to learn about hummingbirds and their habitat. Keep exploring and discovering new ways to attract these fascinating creatures to your garden. With a little effort and patience, you can create a vibrant and thriving hummingbird garden that will bring you years of joy and wonder.


What plants attract hummingbirds?

Hummingbirds are particularly attracted to plants with bright, tubular-shaped flowers that hold nectar. Some popular options include trumpet vine, bee balm, salvias, and cardinal flower.

How do I attract hummingbirds to my garden with plants?

To attract hummingbirds to your garden, plant a variety of nectar-rich flowers in different colors and sizes. Provide a mix of perennials and annuals to ensure a continuous food source throughout the year.

What are the benefits of attracting hummingbirds to my garden?

Attracting hummingbirds to your garden not only adds beauty and excitement but also helps with pollination. Hummingbirds are efficient pollinators and can assist in fertilizing plants, leading to a healthier garden.

How do I choose the right plants for attracting hummingbirds?

Look for plants that have brightly colored, tubular flowers and produce ample amounts of nectar. Consider the natural habitat of hummingbirds and select plants that are native to your area for best results.

How can I create a hummingbird-friendly garden design?

When designing your garden for hummingbirds, focus on providing a combination of food, water, and shelter. Place feeders and flowers in visible areas, incorporate water features like birdbaths, and include shrubs or trees that offer nesting spots and protection.

What are the best perennial plants for attracting hummingbirds?

Some of the best perennial plants for attracting hummingbirds include columbine, bee balm, penstemon, and butterfly bush. These plants provide long-lasting blooms and a continuous source of nectar.

Which annual flowers are known for attracting hummingbirds?

Annual flowers like petunias, impatiens, zinnias, and lantanas are known for their ability to attract hummingbirds. These colorful blooms are irresistible to these tiny marvels.

What additional tips can help me attract hummingbirds to my garden?

In addition to planting hummingbird-attracting flowers, consider adding a hummingbird feeder filled with nectar solution. Create water features like fountains or misters for them to bathe in, and avoid using pesticides that may harm these delicate creatures.

Viggo Johnsen

Just a man who is interested in nature and plants. Is curious and likes to learn about things.

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